This chapter fully describes all XPRESS commands, how they are used, and what they require for hardware. Note also that some work only in the sequential control section.
AC power failed since the last test ACFAILED
Indicates that the AC power has failed since the last time this keyword was tested. Power may or may not be back on when this is true. When using a SpectraSense, the result reflects AC power activity within the last second or so. When using a PL-Link, the result reflects AC power activity during the last minute. ACfailed is cleared to false right after being tested. See ACpower for more details.
Syntax: ACfailed
Example: IF ACfailed=TRUE and ACpower=ON THEN Say"The power failed, but has come back on" END
Status of AC power ACPOWER
In battery-backed systems, the Supervisory Controller continues operating even when AC power has failed. It is often useful to know when the power has gone out so appropriate action can be taken either during the outage or to reinitialize devices in the house when power returns.
ACpower gets its information from either the PLIX chip in a SpectraSense system or the PL-Link otherwise. The result reflects the state of the AC power immediately when using the PLIX (since the chip is right on the processor board), but the PL-Link is polled for the AC power status only once per minute. As a result, the AC power may be out for up to one minute before the Supervisory Controller knows about it. Use ACfailed to determine if the power went out and came back on in less than a minute.
Syntax: ACpower
Example: IF ACpower=ON THEN Say"The power is currently on." ELSE Say"Power has been lost." END
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
ADC Test analog channel (local and network)
Any analog channel in the system (including local and network) may be tested. See Appendix B for tables that assign channel numbers to specific hardware. Valid value ranges depend on the resolution of the A/D converter being used. For an 8-bit part, the range is 0_255; for 10 bits, it's 0_1023; and for 12 bits, it's 0_4095.
Syntax: ADC(n)
where: n = valid ADC channel (0_127)
Hardware: ADIO (optional), DIO+ (optional)
Example: IF ADC(16)>=Variable(10) THEN Module(L6) = ON END
ALLLIGHTSON Turn on all X-10 lights in a housecode
X-10 modules support an "All Lights On" command that turns on just lamp and wall-switch modules set for the same housecode. This command is ignored by all other X-10 modules (including appliance modules) regardless of what is plugged into them.
Syntax: AllLightsOn(h)
where: h = housecode (A_P)
Hardware: PL
Example: IF Input(8)=ON THEN AllLightsOn(B) END
ALLUNITSOFF Turn off all X-10 modules in a housecode
X-10 modules support an "All Units Off" that turns off all X-10 modules set for the same housecode.
Syntax: AllUnitsOff(h) | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
where: h = housecode (A_P)
Hardware: PL
Example: IF Timer(18)>=30 THEN AllUnitsOff(G) END
Turn Caller ID support on and off CALLERID
When a modem that supports Caller ID is connected to the HCS/SS, the CallerID command turns the support on and off. Do not attempt to use this command if your modem doesn't explicitly support Caller ID. Using this command when there is no modem connected has no effect on the system. The Caller ID in Practical Peripherals modems is not supported. See Section 5.3 for more details on compatible modems.
Syntax: CallerID = c
where: c = ON/OFF/TRUE/FALSE
Hardware: External Caller ID modem
Example: IF Reset THEN CallerID = ON END
Determine progress of current phone call CALLPROGRESS
Once a call has been dialed, the system must know what is happening on the line to know how to proceed. The CallProgress function accepts a number that tells it the maximum number of rings to wait. It returns the final status of the call: no answer, busy , or answered.
Be sure to use CallProgress just once for a particular outgoing call. To test its result using multiple IF statements, assign the result to a variable and test the variable instead.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: r = CallProgress(n) | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
where: n = max number of rings (1_255) r = 0: no answer after n rings 1: busy 2: answer
Example: DEFINE CP = Variable(10) ! ! Pick up the phone, check for dial tone, ! then dial a number, wait for up to ! three rings, and deliver a message if ! answered ! IF Input(3)=TRUE THEN OffHook IFA DialTone=TRUE THEN DialStr("5551212") CP = CallProgress(3) IFA CP=0 THEN LCD(0) = "No answer\n" END IFA CP=1 THEN LCD(0) = "Busy\n" END IFA CP=2 THEN SayW"This is an automated message" END END OnHook END
CIDxxxx Various Caller ID information
When a modem that supports Caller ID is connected to the HCS/SS and the phone rings, the Caller ID data is passed to the HCS/SS between the first and second rings. That data is presented to your XPRESS program using individual keywords described below.
CIDnew = TRUE for new data, FALSE after one pass through program CIDmonth = month call received (1_12) CIDday = day of month call received (1_31) CIDhour = hour call received (0_23) CIDminute = minute call received (0_59) CIDarea = area code of calling number (000_999) | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
CIDexch = exchange of calling number (000_999) CIDnumber = last four digits of calling number (0000_9999)
Out-of-area calls return 000 in CIDarea and CIDexch, and 0000 in CIDnumber. Private (blocked) calls return 999 in CIDarea and CIDexch, and 9999 in CIDnumber.
Hardware: External Caller ID modem
Example: DEFINE Known = Variable(0)
IF Reset THEN CallerID = ON END
IF CIDnew=TRUE THEN Known = FALSE IFA CIDarea=000 THEN Say"Out of area"; Known=TRUE END IFA CIDarea=999 THEN Say"Private number"; Known=TRUE END IFA CIDarea=203 THEN IFA CIDexch=871 THEN IFA CIDnumber=1271 OR CIDnumber=6170 OR CIDnumber=6866 THEN Say"Micromint"; Known=TRUE END IFA Known=FALSE THEN Say"Unknown Vernon"; Known=TRUE END END IFA CIDexch=875 THEN IFA CIDnumber=2199 OR CIDnumber=2751 THEN Say"Circuit Cellar"; Known=TRUE END IFA CIDnumber=5795 THEN Say"Micromint"; Known=TRUE END IFA Known=FALSE THEN Say"Unknown Vernon"; Known=TRUE END END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
IFA Known=FALSE THEN Say"Unknown in state"; Known=TRUE END END IF Known=FALSE THEN Say"Unknown out of state" END END
CLEARLOG Clear all logged data values from memory
On a system reset or new program load, the logged-data pointer is left untouched (and uninitialized if starting the system from a cold start). Before any data logging is done, the data pointer should be cleared either with the HOST "C" command (in the Log menu) or with this command at the top of your XPRESS program.
Syntax: ClearLog
Example: IF Reset THEN ClearVariables; ClearTimers ClearLog END
CLEARTIMERS Stop and clear all system timers
On a system reset or new program load, all system timers are left running (if they were running before the reset or program load). ClearTimers allows you to stop and clear all the system timers with a single command.
Syntax: ClearTimers
Example: IF Reset THEN ClearVariables; ClearTimers ClearLog END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Clear all system variables to 0 CLEARVARIABLES
On a system reset or new program load, all system variables are left with their previous values (or undefined). ClearVariables allows you to set all the system variables to 0 with a single command.
Syntax: ClearVariables
Example: IF Reset THEN ClearVariables; ClearTimers ClearLog END
Define what hardware is being used with the HCS/SS CONFIG
Every HCS/SS installation contains a Supervisory Controller (SC). The SC may also have up to two BUFIO or BUF50 expansions boards on top to provide more local I/O bits. A number of COMM-Link modules are also connected to the SC in most installations. The SC must be told what hardware is in the system so it knows what I/O bits to display and what network modules to poll.
If the SC is expecting to find a network module that isn't connected, the systems continue to run, but performance degrades. To define the SC hardware and how many of each network module is connected, CONFIG is used. All CONFIG statements must precede the BEGIN statement. (Note that only one PL-Link may be used on the network.
BUF-Term boards should not be defined.
Setting a configuration that doesn't match the hardware available won't magically make new features appear. For example, if you have an HCS2-DX board with an 8-bit ADC on it, setting ADCRES to 12 won't give you any extra bits of resolution. In fact, it will likely result in strange and inaccurate readings from the ADC. Likewise, ADCGAIN only works with a SpectraSense board since only that board has special gain-setting circuitry on it.
All COMM-Link modules must start with network address 0 and be assigned consecutive addresses. | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Syntax: Config <module> = m Config SC = <processor> Config BUF = b Config IND54 = io,io,io,io Config ADCRES = r Config ADCGAIN = g0,g1,g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7
where: <module> = "PL-Link" "IR-Link" (use with MCIR-Link also) "LCD-Link" "DIO-Link" "ADIO-Link" "DIO+-Link" m = number of network modules connected (0_7)
<processor> = "HCS180" (original SC and newer DX) "IND180" (bus-based processor) "SpectraSense"
b = number of BUFIO or BUF50 boards in system (1 or 2; do not count any BUF-Term boards)
io = IN or OUT indicating the direction of each 8255 on the board (there must be 4 parameters)
r = ADC resolution (only 8, 10, and 12 are valid)
gx = gain for each ADC channel (only 1, 2, 4, and 8 are valid; there must be 8 parameters)
Example: ! ! Original HCS II with BUF-Term and BUFIO installed and ! three LCD-Links on the network ! Config SC = HCS180 Config BUF = 1 Config LCD-Link = 3 Config ADCRES = 8 ! ! IND180 system with IND54 and IND30 installed and ! one PL-Link on the network ! Config SC = IND180 Config IND54 = IN,IN,IN,OUT Config ADCRES = 12 Config PL-Link = 1 ! | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
! SpectraSense 2000 board with BUFIO and 10-bit ADC ! installed ! Config SC = SpectraSense Config BUF = 1 Config ADCRES = 10 Config ADCGAIN = 1,1,1,1,4,2,8,2
Send a message to a window on the console CONSOLE
While debugging a system, it is often useful to display status messages from within the XPRESS program to give the installer an idea of what's going on. Text strings containing optional variable and time/date information may be sent to the console.
Important: No ANSI processing is done on messages sent to the screen! Characters are displayed exactly as sent to the console. There is no way to control the on-screen cursor as there is with the LCD-Link. A carriage return is added to the end of each string displayed.
Syntax: Console = "<string>", Variable(x), Variable(x),
where: <string> = text string with embedded time, date, and variable descriptors
See the LCD command in this section for complete details of the descriptors and how they are used.
Example: DEFINE Reading = Variable(0) BEGIN IF Input(4)=ON THEN Reading = (ADC(0) * 50) / 256 Console = "Value = %P0", Reading END
Set a network analog channel DAC
Set any DAC channel on any network ADIO module to an 8-bit value. See Appendix B for a list of channel numbers and corresponding ADIO module numbers. | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Syntax: DAC(n)
where: n = channel number (0_31)
Hardware: ADIO
Example: IF ADC(16)>=192 THEN DAC(2) = 32 END
DAY Current day of month
Retrieve the day of the month. Day will be in the range of 1_31.
Syntax: Day
Examples: IF Day=1 THEN LCD(0) = "Flip the calendar\n" END
The Day operand may be used in conjunction with a variable and an equation to determine whether the current day of the month is odd or even. Taking advantage of the integer math, the Odd calculation below results in a 0 (false) whenever Day is even and a 1 (true) whenever Day is odd.
DEFINE Odd = Variable(2) DEFINE Sprinkler = Module(F2)
BEGIN IF Time=8:00:DY THEN Odd = Day _ ((Day / 2) * 2) IFA Odd=TRUE THEN Sprinkler = ON LCD(0) = "Sprinkler day\n" ELSE LCD(0) = "No sprinkling today\n" END END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Decrement a variable DEC
Variables may contain any 16-bit number and may be decremented to be used as counters.
Syntax: Dec(Variable(n))
where: n = variable number (0_127)
Example: DEFINE Counter = Variable(2)
IF Input(4)=EDGE AND Input(4)=ON THEN Dec(Counter) END
Define a descriptive program label DEFINE
Any valid XPRESS expression or action may be assigned to a descriptive label to enhance program readability. DEFINE is used to equate the label with the expression or action. All DEFINE statements must precede the BEGIN statement. Up to 512 labels may be defined with each label name up to 32 characters long. Label names may not contain embedded spaces.
Syntax: Define <label> = <statement>
where: <label> = any alphanumeric string up to 32 characters long. No spaces are allowed. <statement> = any valid XPRESS expression or action
Example: DEFINE KitchenLight = Module(L4) DEFINE KitchenMotion = Input(2) BEGIN IF KitchenMotion = ON THEN KitchenLight = ON END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
DIALDIGIT Dial a single DTMF digit contained in the given variable
The variable must contain a value between 0 and 15 (corresponding to all ten numbers, star, pound, and four letter DTMF symbols). Upon calling this function, the HCS-DTMF board or SpectraSense will dial the single digit. The phone must already be off hook (using the OffHook command).
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: DialDigit(Variable(n))
where: n = variable number containing the digit to be dialed (0_9, 10 [*], 11 [#], 12_15 [A_D])
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: DEFINE Digit = Variable(8) ! SEQUENTIAL IF Rings>=2 THEN OffHook Say"Press a button" Say"and I will repeat it back to you." Digit = DTMFdigit(150) Wait(5) ! Pause half a second DialDigit(Digit) OnHook END
DIALNUMBER Dial up to four DTMF numbers from the given variable
The variable must contain a value between 0 and 9999 (corresponding to one to four DTMF numbers). Upon calling this function, the HCS-DTMF board or SpectraSense will dial as many digits as specified by the second parameter. If there are more digits in the variable than are requested, the right-most digits are used. For example, if the variable contains the number 5678 and the DialNumber function is called with a 3 in the second parameter, the numbers 6, 7, and 8 are dialed (the 5 is discarded). The phone must already be off hook (using the OffHook command).
Only works in the sequential section. | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Syntax: DialNumber(Variable(n),d)
where: n = variable number containing the numbers to be dialed (0_9999) d = number of digits to be dialed (1_4)
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: DEFINE Num1 = Variable(10) DEFINE Num2 = Variable(11) ! ! After three rings, pick up phone and ! accept a seven-digit phone number. ! Then hang up the phone, call that ! number back, and deliver a message. ! SEQUENTIAL IF Rings>=3 THEN OffHook Say"Enter a seven digit phone number," Say"followed by the pound sign." Num1 = DTMFnumber(150) IFA Num1>=0 THEN Num2 = DTMFnumber(50) END IFA Num1<0 OR Num2<0 THEN LCD(0)="Timed out!\n" ELSE LCD(0)="Number = %P0%P0\n",Num1,Num2 OnHook Wait(20) ! 2 seconds OffHook IFA DialTone=TRUE THEN DialNumber(Num1,4) DialNumber(Num2,3) CP = CallProgress(3) IFA CP=0 THEN LCD(0) = "No answer\n" END IFA CP=1 THEN LCD(0) = "Busy\n" END IFA CP=2 THEN Say"This is your callback." SayW"Good bye." END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
DIALSTR Dial the sequence in the given text string
All ten numbers, star, pound, and four letter DTMF symbols may be dialed using the HCS-DTMF board or SpectraSense. The phone must already be off hook (using the OffHook command). A comma embedded in the string generates a 2-second pause.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: DialStr("string")
where: string = text string containing digits to be dialed (0_9,*,#,A_D, and comma)
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: DEFINE Alarm = Input(5) ! ! On an alarm condition, call a ! preprogrammed number and ! report the trouble. ! SEQUENTIAL
IF Alarm=TRUE THEN OffHook DialStr("5551212") Wait(100) ! 10 seconds SayW"Alarm condition detected." Wait(50) ! 5 seconds OnHook END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Listen to phone line and wait for dial tone DIALTONE
It's best to make sure you have a working phone line before trying to make a call. DialTone will use the HCS-DTMF board or SpectraSense to listen to the phone line for two seconds and if it detects a steady tone, will return a TRUE result. If it doesn't detect a tone, it will return FALSE.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: DialTone
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: DEFINE CP = Variable(10) ! ! Pick up the phone, check for dial tone, ! then dial a number, wait for up to ! three rings, and deliver a message if ! answered ! IF Input(3)=TRUE THEN OffHook IFA DialTone=TRUE THEN DialStr("5551212") CP = CallProgress(3) IFA CP=0 THEN LCD(0) = "No answer\n" END IFA CP=1 THEN LCD(0) = "Busy\n" END IFA CP=2 THEN SayW"This is an automated message" END END OnHook END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
DISPLAY Define which X-10 housecodes to display by HOST
You may specify which X-10 housecodes you want displayed by the HOST program. If this line is omitted, no housecodes are displayed.
Syntax: Display Modules = <housecodes>
where: <housecodes> = list of housecode letters separated by commas
Example: DISPLAY Modules = A,B,C,F
DTMFDIGIT Receive a single DTMF digit
All ten numbers, the star and pound sign, and the four letter DTMF symbols may be received from the phone line. The phone must already be off hook (using the OffHook command). The result may be assigned to a variable or used anywhere an math expression may be used. A timeout from 0.1 to 25.5 seconds may be set to avoid hanging the system. Sequential XPRESS processing is suspended until a DTMF digit is received or the command times out. When a timeout occurs, the function returns a _1.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: d = DTMFdigit(t)
where: d = DTMF symbol (0_15) (0_9, 10 [*], 11 [#], 12_15 [A_D]) (_1 if timeout occurs) t = timeout value in tenths of seconds (1_255) (0.1_25.5 seconds)
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: DEFINE Num = Variable(10) ! SEQUENTIAL
IF Rings>=2 THEN OffHook Say"Please select a function." Num = DTMFdigit(150) IFA Num=1 THEN . . END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
IFA Num=2 THEN . . END SayW"Thank you. Goodbye." OnHook END
Receive up to four DTMF digits DTMFNUMBER
Up to four DTMF number symbols may be received and combined to make up a single 16-bit value (0_9999). The command returns when either four digits have been received or the star or pound button is pressed (indicating fewer than four digits have been entered). The phone must already be off hook (using the OffHook command).
The result may be assigned to a variable or used anywhere a math expression may be used. A timeout from 0.1 to 25.5 seconds may be set to avoid hanging the system. The timeout timer is reset for each button press (so for a timeout value of 100, the caller has 10 seconds per button press, not 10 seconds total). Sequential XPRESS processing is suspended until a complete number is assembled or the command times out. When a timeout occurs, the function returns a _1.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: n = DTMFnumber(t)
where: n = number made up of DTMF numbers (0_9999) (* and # terminate number; A_D are ignored) (_1 if timeout occurs) t = timeout value in tenths of seconds (1_255) (0.1_25.5 seconds)
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: DEFINE Num1 = Variable(10) DEFINE Num2 = Variable(11) ! SEQUENTIAL
IF Rings>=3 THEN OffHook Say"Enter a seven digit phone number," Say"followed by the pound sign." | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Num1 = DTMFnumber(150) IFA Num1>=0 THEN Num2 = DTMFnumber(100) END IFA Num1<0 OR Num2<0 THEN LCD(0)="Timed out!\n" ELSE LCD(0)="Number = %P0%P0\n",Num1,Num2 END OnHook END
IF Rings>=3 THEN OffHook Say"Enter your password." PW = DTMFnumber(150) IFA PW=5432 THEN SayW"Correct. Thank you." ELSE SayW"Wrong. Goodbye." END OnHook END
DOW Current day of week
Retrieve the current day of the week. Day-of-week tests may also be done with the Time keyword. DOW is 1 on Sunday and 7 on Saturday.
Syntax: DOW
Example: IF DOW=3 THEN LCD(0) = "Today is Tuesday\n" END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Current hour HOUR
Retrieve the current hour of the day. Hour will be in the range of 0_23.
Syntax: Hour
Examples: IF Input(8)=ON THEN Variable(5) = Hour Variable(6) = Minute Variable(7) = Second END
Increment a variable INC
Variables may contain any 16-bit number and may be incremented to be used as counters.
Syntax: Inc(Variable(n))
where: n = variable number (0_127)
Example: DEFINE Counter = Variable(2)
IF Input(4)=EDGE AND Input(4)=ON THEN Inc(Counter) END
Test or set a local digital input INPUT
All local digital input numbers are predefined and depend on the hardware being used. See Appendix B for a table of supported hardware and corresponding input numbers.
Syntax: Input(n) = ON/OFF/EDGE
where: n = input number (0_207)
Example: IF Input(5)=EDGE THEN Output(8)=ON END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Inputs are normally either on or off. The transition from on to off or from off to on is known as an "edge." Detecting edges alone (as opposed to either on or off) is useful when you want to know that the state of an input has changed, but don't care whether it changed to on or off.
Edge detection is done in software and requires a pulse width of at least 250 ms to detect local input edges (netbit edges require more time). Rising edges (off to on) and falling edges (on to off) are treated identically. You may determine whether a rising or falling edge has occurred by testing the input's level at the same time (e.g., IF Input(3) = EDGE AND Input(3) = ON THEN it was a rising edge).
Edges may be tested multiple times during a single pass through the XPRESS program. At the end of each pass through the list, the edge storage table is cleared.
IRCODE Test whether an IR code has been received
Up to eight MCIR-Link modules may be connected to the network, any of which can receive codes from hand-held IR remotes. IRCODE is used to test whether a particular code has been received and which MCIR-Link module received it.
Syntax: IRcode(c) <op> <val>
where: c = IR code (0_239) <val> refers to an IR-Link module number, so really only makes sense when in the range of 0_7.
Hardware: MCIR
Examples: ! If any MCIR-Link module has received IR code number 6, ! the X-10 module G6 is turned off. ! IF IRcode(6)>=0 THEN Module(G6)=OFF END
! If MCIR-Link number 3 has received IR code number 12, ! output 5 will be turned on. ! IF IRcode(12)=3 THEN Output(5) = ON END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
! Suppose MCIR-Link number 1 is located in the family room ! and IR code number 5 is defined as putting the system into ! "movie mode" (i.e., "I'm sitting down to watch a movie, so set ! up the room appropriately."). When you press the button on ! your hand-held IR remote to send IR code number 5, HCS/SS ! dims two lights and sets an output that triggers the automated ! drapes to close. ! DEFINE MovieMode = IRcode(5) DEFINE FamilyRoom = 1 BEGIN IF MovieMode=FamilyRoom THEN Module(D4) = Dim(8); Module(D5) = Dim(10) Output(12) = ON END
Send a message to an LCD-Link LCD
A message may be sent to any LCD-Link on the network consisting of text, current time and date, and variable values. The subset of ANSI control sequences supported by the LCD-Link may be used to format the display. Lines too long for the display are wrapped to the next line. When the bottom of the display is reached, the display will scroll. See the LCD-Link documentation for more information about the supported ANSI commands.
Syntax: LCD(n) = "string", Variable(x), Variable(y),
where: n = LCD-Link number (0_7) string = text string with embedded time, date, and variable descriptors
Hardware: LCD
Control characters within the string follow the conventions outlined in the LCD-Link manual. Within "string" may be time, date, and variable descriptors. The descriptors are as follows:
%A = time (HH:MM) %B = time (HH:MM:SS) %C = day of week (Sun, Mon, , Sat) %D = date (MM/DD/YY) %E = date (Month DD, YYYY; Month = Jan, Feb, , Dec) | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
To display variables, a format descriptor is used within the string and the variable to be displayed is appended to the end of the string. The following formats are supported:
%Px = print a variable with x digits after the decimal point and no leading zeros or spaces %Qx = print a variable with x digits after the decimal point and leading zeros replaced with spaces %Rx = print a variable with x digits after the decimal point and leading zeros
In the case of %P, only as many characters as necessary to represent the number are printed. In the case of %Q and %R, five digits are always printed (though leading zeros are replaced by spaces with %Q), with the decimal point taking up one more character position. A leading negative sign is added to any negative number. When x is zero, the decimal point isn't displayed at all.
Examples: LCD(0) = "\e[2JToday is %D\n or\n%C, %E\n"
This statement clears the display on LCD-Link 0 and creates the following message: Today is 03/15/95 or Wed, Mar 15, 1995
In the following excerpt, when the button connected to input 5 is pressed to request a reading, the ADC is read and its raw value is assigned to a variable. The raw reading (0_255) is converted to the actual voltage being measured (0_5 volts) and both are displayed on the LCD-Link display. Note that variable 15 contains a value ten times larger than the actual voltage. When displayed with one digit after the decimal point, it shows the correct value and simulates floating point, though only integer math is involved.
DEFINE RawV = Variable(9) DEFINE DisplayReading = Input(5)
BEGIN IF DisplayReading=ON THEN RawV = ADC(2) Variable(15) = (RawV * 50) / 256 LCD(0) = "Reading = %P1 volts\n", Variable(9) LCD(0) = "Raw value = %P0 \n", RawV LCD(0) = "Raw value = %Q0\nRaw value = %R0", RawV, RawV END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Reading = 3.1 volts Raw value = 161 Raw value = 161 Raw value = 00161
Tip: To display a degree symbol ("°") on an LCD-Link, use the sequence "\xDF" in your display string. For example, the string "Temp = 28\xDF" displays "Temp = 28°" on the LCD-Link.
Log a data value to memory LOG
At any time, a 16-bit value may be saved to memory for later processing by the user. The time and date of logging is saved with the value. A reference ID number is also stored with the value so different sensors and events may be logged to the same memory and sorted later. Each log entry uses eight bytes.
You must have an extra 32K SRAM installed in socket U10 of the HCS180 or HCS2-DX, socket U11 of the IND180, or socket U14 of the SpectraSense in order to log data. See Chapter 8 for details on how to install an extra RAM chip and how the logged data is formatted.
Syntax: Log(i) = <val>
where: i = reference ID number (0_254)
Example: ! ! Log the raw outside temperature reading ! every 30 minutes and log whenever the ! motion sensor is activated and whenever ! the front door is opened. ! DEFINE Temp = 0 DEFINE Motion = 1 DEFINE FrontDoor = 2
BEGIN IF Reset THEN ClearLog Timer(70) = ON END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
IF Timer(70)>=30 THEN Log(Temp) = ADC(2) Timer(70) = ON END IF Input(2)=ON THEN Log(Motion) = 0 END IF Input(5)=ON THEN Log(FrontDoor) END
Note that when logging the motion and front door, the actual value saved isn't important. Saving the reference ID and current time and date is enough to tell you when each sensor was tripped. After the raw data has been dumped to a file on the PC, a program may be written to sort the data by reference IDs and produce a final report with data grouped by temperatures, motion, and front door activity.
LOGSIZE Check the size of logged data
When the 32K log buffer becomes full, the HCS/SS starts throwing away the oldest samples to make room for new samples. Using the LogSize keyword, it's possible to have the system alert the user that the log memory is close to filling up. The user can then use HOST to dump the logged data to a disk file on a PC. LogSize returns a value in the range of 0_4095 representing the number of logged entries. Note that each log entry takes up eight bytes.
Syntax: LogSize
Example: IF LogSize>4000 THEN LCD(0) = "Time to empty the buffer.\n" END
LPT Send a message to a DIO-Link
A message may be sent to any DIO-Link on the network that has a byte-wide device connected to it (such as a printer) consisting of text, current time and date, and variable values. The subset of ANSI control sequences supported by the DIO-Link may be used to format the output. See the DIO-Link documentation for more information about device connection and supported ANSI commands. | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Syntax: LPT(n) = "string", Variable(x), Variable(y),
where: n = DIO-Link number (0_7) string = text string with embedded time, date, and variable descriptors
Hardware: DIO
See the LCD command in this section for complete details of the descriptors and how they are used.
Tell an MCIR-Link to send a trained infrared command MCIR
The MCIR-Link stores trained IR commands and references them by number. You must set up (train) the MCIR-Link in interactive mode before connecting it to the network. XPRESS only allows you to instruct the MCIR-Link to send a command that has already been stored. It does not allow remote training or loading of the MCIR-Link module. See the MCIR-Link manual for more details.
Syntax: MCIR(n) = <val>
where: n = MCIR-Link number (0_7) <val> must be in the range of 1_999 or 1001_1999
Hardware: MCIR
Example: DEFINE TVon = 6 ! Trained MCIR code BEGIN IF Input(8)=ON THEN LCD(0) = "Turning on TV" MCIR(0) = TVon END
Current minute MINUTE
Retrieve the current minute. Minute is in the range of 0_59.
Syntax: Minute | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Example: IF Input(8)=ON THEN Variable(5) = Hour Variable(6) = Minute Variable(7) = Second END
MODEMINIT User-defined modem initialization string
When a modem is connected to the HCS/SS, the default initialization string "AT&FMV&D&K&Q5" is used to set up the modem. This string should work for virtually all modems, so the ModemInit command should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Be sure you know exactly what you're changing or the modem may react in a way that the HCS/SS doesn't expect and can't handle. Always include the "AT" attention code at the start of the string.
Syntax: ModemInit = "string"
where: string = valid modem commands preceded by "AT"
Hardware: External modem
Example: IF Reset THEN ModemInit = "ATE1Q&C" END
MODEMRINGS Number of rings to wait before answering modem
When a modem is connected to the HCS/SS, ModemRings defines how many rings the modem will wait before answering the phone. Only a PC with a modem running HOST should be used to call the HCS/SS.
Syntax: ModemRings = r
where: r = constant (0_9), Variable(n), Equation (use 0 or OFF to disable modem answer)
Hardware: External modem
Example: IF Reset THEN ModemRings = 2 END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Test the current state of an X-10 module MODULE
X-10 modules may only be tested for on or off. Receiving all dim and bright commands with the PL-Link or SpectraSense is impossible, so only a module's on or off state is recorded. Determining the proper dim or bright level for a given situation is up to the user.
Syntax: Module(hnn) = ON/OFF
where: h = house code (A_P) nn = module number (1_16)
Hardware: PL or SpectraSense
Example: IF Module(B8)=ON AND Input(7)=EDGE THEN Output(8)=OFF END
Send out an X-10 command MODULE
Turn any kind of X-10 module on or off. Lamp and switch modules may also be dimmed or brightened. Note that an X-10 module that is off must go to full brightness before its level may be adjusted. A module may not be gradually brightened from black unless it was previously turned full on and dimmed to black (not turned off).
Syntax: Module(hmm) = ON/OFF/ONA Module(hmm) = DIM(n) Module(hmm) = BRIGHT(n)
where: h = housecode (A_P) mm = module number (1_16) n = number of dim/bright steps (1_48)
Hardware: PL or SpectraSense
When the Supervisory Controller knows that a particular X-10 module is already on, it won't send another ON command to it. To force the SC to always send an ON command, even if the module is already on, use the ONA (ON Always) command.
Examples: IF Input(3)=ON THEN Module(J9) = Dim(6) END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
! Module C1 is a chime module, which ! sounds its chime any time it receives ! an ON command. There is no need to ! send it an OFF command because the ! module just ignores it. We use ONA to ! force the system to send an ON command ! even though it thinks the module is ! already on. ! IF Input(5)=ON THEN Module(C1) = ONA END
MONTH Test current month
Retrieve the current month. Month is 1 in January and 12 in December.
Syntax: Month
Example: IF Month=10 THEN LCD(0) = "The month is October\n" END
NETBIT Test or set a network I/O bit
Network I/O ports on DIO-Link modules may be either inputs or outputs depending on how they are referenced. If a bit is set to 1 or 0, its output will go high or low and is treated as an output. If a bit is set to 1 and externally driven, it is considered an input. The direction of I/O bits on all other COMM-Links is fixed (as described in Appendix B). The current state of a bit, whether input or output, may be tested. Fixed bit numbers are assigned to COMM-Link modules as described in the table in Appendix B.
Syntax: Netbit(n) = ON/OFF/EDGE
where: n = valid netbit number (0_319)
Hardware: DIO, ADIO, LCD, DIO+
Examples: IF Netbit(3)=ON THEN Module(L5) = ON END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
IF Input(23)=ON THEN Netbit(7) = OFF END
Netbit inputs are normally either on or off. The transition from on to off or from off to on is known as an "edge." Detecting edges alone (as opposed to either on or off) is useful when you want to know that the state of an input has changed, but don't care whether it changed to on or off.
Edge detection is done in software and requires a pulse width of at least 1 second and (for complex networks) sometimes up to 5 seconds to detect netbit edges. Rising edges (off to on) and falling edges (on to off) are treated identically. You may determine whether a rising or falling edge has occurred by testing the input's level at the same time (e.g., IF Input(3) = EDGE AND Input(3) = ON THEN it was a rising edge).
Edges may be tested multiple times during a single pass through the XPRESS program. At the end of each pass through the list, the edge storage table is cleared.
Manage netbits eight at a time NETBYTE
Eight netbits may be managed simultaneously by handling them as a single byte. All 40 netbytes may be read and tested, but only the first 8 (corresponding to the DIO-Links) may be set. See Appendix B for a listing of netbyte numbers.
Syntax: Netbyte(b)
where: b = netbyte number (0_39)
Examples: IF Input(8)=ON THEN Netbyte(3) = 78 END
IF Netbyte(8)>0 THEN LCD(0) = "Button pressed\n" END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
NETWORK Send a raw text string to the network
A raw network-module command may be sent directly from XPRESS to the network. Strings to be sent to the network should start with the address of the network module, followed by any commands for the module (e.g., TERM0 S=Testing). The HCS/SS automatically inserts the proper lead-in character and checksum. No command may be sent to a network module that produces a reply from the module!
Use extreme caution when sending strings to the network! No checking is done by the SC to determine that what is being sent is valid. It's possible to cause glitches on the network with unwanted replies generated in response to strings sent to network modules.
Syntax: Network = "<string>", Variable(x), Variable(x), ...
where: <string> = text string with embedded time, date, and variable descriptors
See the LCD command in this section for complete details of the descriptors and how they are used.
Example: DEFINE Reading = Variable(0)
BEGIN IF Input(4)=ON THEN Reading = (ADC(0) * 50) / 256 Network = "TERM3 S=Value = %P0\n", Reading END
OFFHOOK Take phone line off hook (pick up phone)
The phone line is taken off hook, and the XPRESS program is suspended for 2 seconds to enforce a billing delay. Once control passes back to the XPRESS program, further actions may be performed immediately.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: OffHook
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Example: ! ! Answer the phone on the third ring, ! give a greeting message, and hang ! up again ! IF Rings>=3 THEN OffHook SayW"This is an automated greeting." OnHook END
Put phone line on hook (hang up phone) ONHOOK
The phone line is put on hook. Control passes back to the XPRESS program immediately.
Syntax: OnHook
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense
Example: ! ! Answer the phone on the third ring, ! give a greeting message, and hang ! up again ! IF Rings>=3 THEN OffHook SayW"This is an automated greeting." OnHook END
Test or set a local digital output OUTPUT
All local digital output numbers are predefined and depend on the hardware being used. See Appendix B for a table of supported hardware and corresponding output numbers.
Syntax: Output(n) = ON/OFF
where: n = output number (0_207) | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Example: IF Input(3)=OFF AND Output(8)=ON THEN Output(8)=OFF END
RANDOM Choose a random number
A pseudorandom number within a given range is selected and may be used in either comparisons or assignments. The number chosen is always between zero and an upper limit passed to the function.
Syntax: Random(n)
where: n = upper limit for random number (1_255)
Examples: ! ! Give the house a lived-in look by ! turning on a light a random amount ! of time (but no more than 20 ! minutes) after a certain time of day ! DEFINE Light = Module(L4) BEGIN IF Time=18:00:DY THEN Timer(70) = ON Variable(0) = Random(20) END IF Timer(70)>Variable(0) THEN Light = ON Timer(70) = OFF END
! To select a random number between ! 20 and 80, use the following: ! Variable(2) = 20 + Random(60) | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Set PL-Link refresh period REFRESH
The PL-Link will periodically send out ON or OFF commands to all X-10 modules that have received ON or OFF commands since the PL-Link's last reset. The Refresh command sets the period in which all modules are reset. The system defaults to no refresh. Refresh is not supported when using the SpectraSense's on-board X-10 hardware.
Syntax: Refresh = r
where: r = refresh period in minutes (0_99) (set to 0 to turn off refresh)
Hardware: PL-Link
Example: IF Input(23)=ON THEN Refresh=10 END
All X-10 modules that have been referenced by the PL-Link since its last reset are refreshed within a 10-minute period. The frequency at which commands are sent to the power line depends on how many modules must be refreshed. For example, if the refresh period is set for 10 minutes and there are 20 modules in use, a new command is sent every 30 seconds. After 10 minutes, all modules will have been refreshed and the cycle starts again.
True after reset RESET
On a system reset or when a new XPRESS program is loaded, this condition is true for the first pass through the program and is always false thereafter. It is used to set up initial or default system conditions.
Syntax: Reset
Example: IF Reset THEN Refresh = 10 Module(D2) = ON Variable(4) = 0 END | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
RESETIO Reinitialize all 8255 I/O ports
To make the system more fail-safe in noisy or harsh environments, it is sometimes desireable to be able to periodically reinitialize all the hardware 8255 I/O ports to ensure they are properly configured for inputs and outputs. ResetIO reinitializes all system 8255s to their proper configurations. This command has no effect on the SpectraSense's on-board I/O ports.
One note of caution: Whenever an 8255 is reconfigured, it clears all its output ports. The HCS automatically updates the output ports, but there may be a period of a few tens of microseconds when the outputs aren't at the values you set.
Syntax: ResetIO
Example: ! ! Reinitialize the direct I/O ports ! every hour ! IF Reset THEN Timer(80) = ON END IF Timer(80)>=60 THEN ResetIO Timer(80) = ON END
RINGS Returns the number of rings detected currently
Rings is used to determine how many consecutive rings have been detected on the current incoming call. A standard telephone ring signal lasts six seconds (two seconds of ring, four seconds of silence). The Rings parameter is incremented each time a ring is detected and is cleared to zero when more than six seconds has elapsed since the last detected ring signal. It returns a value in the range of 0_255.
Syntax: Rings
Hardware: HCS-DTMF or SpectraSense | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Example: ! ! Answer the phone on the third ring, ! give a greeting message, and hang up ! again ! IF Rings>=3 THEN OffHook SayW"This is an automated greeting." OnHook END
Speak a text string SAY
Using the HCS-Voice text-to-speech synthesizer, virtually anything may be said by the system, including variable values. All commands supported by the text and phoneme modes of the HCS-Voice may be used. The normal command character is a nonprintable character, so a tilde character (~) is used in front of any commands. (See the HCS-Voice manual for a description of its commands.)
In addition to text strings, variable values may also be spoken. The format of the command is identical to that of the LCD and LPT commands.
Since the HCS-Voice has its own processor, text strings are sent to it very quickly and XPRESS processing proceeds while the text is being spoken. To suspend sequential XPRESS processing until the synthesizer is finished, use the SayW command.
Phrases being spoken by the HCS-Voice may be interrupted by sending it a vertical bar character (|). For example, it's possible to send a phrase to the synthesizer and wait for a DTMF digit while the phrase is being spoken. If the user presses a button before the phrase completes, a vertical bar preceding the next text string causes the first phrase to be interrupted and the second phrase to start.
Syntax: Say"<string>", Variable(x), Variable(y), ...
where: <string> = text string with embedded time, date, and variable descriptors
See the LCD command in this section for complete details of the descriptors and how they are used.
Hardware: HCS-Voice | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Example: ! ! Assuming the outside light level is at ! 0 volts for darkness and 5 volts for ! sunlight, speak the light level ! percentage. Just before speaking the ! phrase, select a new pitch level. ! DEFINE Button = Input(5) DEFINE LightLevel = ADC(0) DEFINE Light = Variable(11)
IF Button=ON AND Button=EDGE THEN Light = (LightLevel * 100) / 26 Say"~60P The outside light" Say"is at %P1 percent.",Light END
SAYW Speak a text string and wait for it to finish
SayW is identical to Say, but it suspends sequential XPRESS processing until the text-to-speech synthesizer has finished speaking the phrase. One example of where this is useful is when a phrase is to be spoken just before hanging up the phone. If Say is used, the phone is hung up right after the start of the phrase. With SayW, the phrase completes before the phone is hung up.
Only works in the sequential section.
See the description of Say for more details.
SECOND Current second
Retrieve the current second. Second is in the range of 0_59.
Syntax: Second
Examples: IF Input(8)=ON THEN Variable(5) = Hour Variable(6) = Minute Variable(7) = Second END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Test current time of day TIME
Compare the current time to a given time of day. Hour, minute, and day of week are tested.
Note that testing is based on a 24-hour day that lasts from midnight to midnight.
Syntax: Time <op> hh:mm:dd
where: <op> = "=", "<>", ">", "<", ">=", "<=" hh = hours (00_23) mm = minutes (00_59) dd = day of week (MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU,DY,WK,EN) DY = daily, WK = weekday, EN = weekend
Examples: IF Time=08:00:DY THEN Output(7)=OFF END
At 8:00 in the morning every day, turn output number 7 off.
IFA Time>23:00:MO OR Time<6:00:TU THEN IF Input(9)=ON THEN Module(E5) = ON END IF Input(9)=OFF THEN Module(E5) = OFF END END
Turn on the porch light (controlled by X-10 module E5) when motion is detected on input number 9 and off again when the motion stops. But do this only if it is between late Monday night and early Tuesday morning.
Note the use of the OR operator in the expression. The time of day and day of week are tested separately. The first expression is only true on Monday and the second is only true on Tuesday. Using an AND operator, as you might be inclined to do at first glance, results in the expression always being false. Changing the day of week to daily
IFA Time>23:00:DY OR Time<6:00:DY THEN ...
doesn't change the need to use an OR. The first expression is only true when Time is greater than 23:00 and less than 23:59. The second expression is only true when Time is greater than 0:00 and less than 6:00. As before, using an AND results in the expression always being false. | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
When testing times that don't straddle two days, an AND must be used.
IFA Time>6:00:DY AND Time<23:00:DY THEN ...
In this case, if the OR operator were used, the expression would always evaluate true. The first expression is true if Time is greater than 6:00 and less than 23:59. The second expression is true if Time is greater than 0:00 and less than 23:00. Combining these with an OR always results in a true state. Combining them with an AND gives the desired result.
TIMER Retrieve the current state of a timer
When a timer is tested for ON or OFF, the result of the test reflects the state of the timer (e.g., if a timer is tested for ON, the test reults in TRUE is the timer is indeed on). Timers may also be tested against numerous system conditions or used in equations or assignments.
Timer numbers 0_63 are incremented every second while timers 64_127 are incremented once a minute.
Syntax: Timer(n) <op> <val>
where: n = timer number (0_127)
Examples: IF Timer(3)>=8 THEN Module(G7) = OFF END
IF Input(7)=ON THEN Variable(5) = Timer(8) * 5 END
There are actually two sets of timers defined: one that counts seconds and another that counts minutes. Timers 0_63 are incremented once per second while timers 64_127 are incremented once per minute. Minute timers may trigger any time during the minute preceding the setpoint (i.e., a timer tested for 5 minutes may show true any time between 4 minutes 1 second and 5 minutes).
When off, all value comparisons result in false. When turned on, timers are cleared to 0 and begin counting. To clear a timer that is already running, it is not necessary to stop the timer. It may simply be restarted (e.g., if a timer is started, runs for 15 seconds, and is then turned on again, it is cleared to 0 and continues running from there). | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||
Start or stop a system timer TIMER
Start or stop a system timer. When a timer that is already on is set to ON, it is simply cleared to zero and allowed to continue running.
Syntax: Timer(n) = ON/OFF
where: n = timer number (0_63 for seconds, 64_127 for minutes)
Example: IF Input(4)=EDGE THEN Timer(7) = ON END
Test or set a variable VARIABLE
Variables may contain any 16-bit number and may be tested against or set to many different system conditions. Variables are considered off or false when set to zero and on or true when set to any nonzero value.
Syntax: Variable(n)
where: n = variable number (0_127)
Example: IF Variable(2)>5 THEN Output(4) = OFF Variable(2) = 0 END
Suspend sequential XPRESS processing for a fixed time WAIT
Sometimes it's helpful to insert pauses that actually suspend processing (timers may be used to insert delays in the continuous section that don't suspend processing). Wait may be given a constant value that generates a pause from 0.1 to 25.5 seconds.
Only works in the sequential section.
Syntax: Wait(n)
where: n = suspend time in tenths of a second (1_255) | ||||
7. XPRESS Commands | ||||
Example: ! ! Generate a half-second pulse on ! a direct output ! IF Time=7:00:DY THEN Output(10) = ON Wait(5) Output(10) = OFF END
YEAR Current year
Retrieve the current year. Year is in the range 0_99.
Syntax: Year
Example: IF Year>=90 THEN LCD(0) = "This the '90s\n" END | ||||
XPRESS 3.0 Reference Manual | ||||